Institute for Sustainable Innovation
Uncertainty, volatility, risks are becoming an inevitable feature of 2020. To keep the lights on, you need to be able to adapt to changes and adjust the inner processes to go through a difficult period and become even more powerful and ready for future challenges! We can help achieve sustainable development of enterprises and territories in an unstable environment, increase the competitiveness and investment attractiveness of companies and regions in the long term. We can give you a chance to survive through difficult times and come out well and prosperous.

Knowledge Center


We have collected all the knowledge and experience over many years of the work in the field of sustainable development, green inclusive growth, management of environmental risks, increasing the resilience of businesses, territories, cities and settlements.

Trainings, courses and webinars

We have combined the latest technologies of vocational training with the accumulated knowledge in the field of economics of nature management, environmental management, sustainable development, environmental planning, evaluation of natural capital.


We monitor and constantly improve the terminology used for describing the present situation and dynamics of the development of complex ecological and economic interactions.

Case Studies

Assessment of Ecosystem Services is an Important Factor in the Effectiveness of Climate-Forest Projects

Using the methods and standards approved by the UN and recognized in Russia, the ecosystem assessment of the company's forest climate projects was carried out. Qualitative and quantitative assessments of a wide range of ecosystem services gave a more objective idea of the adaptive effectiveness of climate initiatives, increased the effectiveness of the existing climate strategy and are used in the formation of reporting indicators in Russian and international rating platforms.

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Our experts took part in the 51st scientific expedition of the Baltic Federal University and the Institute of Oceanology of the RAS
The expedition included works at the offshore site of the carbonic polygon of the Baltic Federal University.
The new accounting system will allow to revaluate nature for the economy
The GDP will be replaced by a new accounting system that integrates natural capital into economic reporting (SEEA - Ecosystem Accounting).

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