Institute for Sustainable Innovation

Our experts took part in the 51st scientific expedition of the Baltic Federal University and the Institute of Oceanology of the RAS

The expedition included works at the offshore site of the carbonic polygon of the Baltic Federal University. The carbon polygon is an area with a unique ecosystem, created for the implementation of measures to control greenhouse gases. The carbon polygon in the Baltic Sea was created to monitor and study the waters of the Baltic Sea in order to assess their absorption and sequestration capacity in the face of various environmental and anthropogenic changes.

Спуск буйка морского карбонового полигона «Росянка»

In the photo - Vadim Sivkov, Director of the Atlantic Branch of the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Georgy Fomenko, Chair of the Board of the "Resources and Consulting" group of companies, during the buoy launching of the Rosyanka offshore carbon polygon.

During the expedition, our experts Georgy Fomenko and Marina Fomenko took part in the round table "Ecological balance is the main priority in the development of the mineral resource base of the Baltic region." They made presentations “Climate Context: New Reality” and “Education for Sustainable Development in a Post-Pandemic World”.

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