Institute for Sustainable Innovation

Resilience of Anthropo-Modified Ecosystems Within the Educational System Concerning the Programme “Environmental Management and Water Use”

Fomenko G.A.
Published: Vestnik the Scientific and Methodological Council in Environmental Engineering and Water Managemen/ 2018. №12. 148-154.

Reforming national educational system concerning the program me “Environmental management and water use” requires including basic information on environment protection and sustainable develop-ment in the national educational standard. The article includes the features of this approach implementation based on the analysis of the Master program me in Yaroslavl State Technical University as well as best international experience. The author represents suggestions to improve the national educational standard FGOS 3++ concerning the Master program me 20.04.02 “Environmental Management and Water Use”.

 Keywords: sustainable development; green economy; FGOS 3++; anthropo-modified ecosystems; ecosystem services