Institute for Sustainable Innovation

Goal-Setting in Management of Nature Protection Activity on the Steady Basis

Fomenko G.
Published: Problems of Regional Ecology. (2015). № 4, 117-125.

The article shows the growing importance of a teleological approach to the strategic planning of the country and its regions in connection with the adoption for the first time in the history of the global objectives of sustainable development and the importance of their harmonization at all levels of territorial organization. It is noted that in scientific-methodological terms the problems of teleology, as one of the methods of cognition for studying ways for harmonizing relations within the system of interactions «Human Being–Society–Nature» are insufficiently explored. Approaches of the «Cadaster» Institute to studying the issue of sustainability of development as increasing the resilience of geosystems, teleology in environmental management and methods for preventing teleological conflicts at different levels of territorial organization are described. Methods for regulation of teleological conflicts are proposed.

Keywords: sustainable development, teleology, environmental management activities, interdisciplinary studies, preventing of teleological conflicts.