Institute for Sustainable Innovation

Ecosystem Accounting as a Future Development of the System of Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting and SNA

Dumnov A., Fomenko G., Fomenko M.
Published: Questions of Statistics. (2015). №5, 11-34.

This article describes conceptual, statistical and methodological aspects of the ecosystem accounting. The referenced research was performed using the latest recommendations from the leading international organizations, a number of Russian sources as well as experience gained by the authors of this publication in this field in recent years. In particular, the considered accounting system is a direct continuation and development of the System of National Accounts (SNA) and the supporting System of Envtronmental-Econoniic Accounting (SEEA). The final part of the article presents brief conclusions and recommendations on information and methodological support of the ecosystem accounting at the state level in Russia.

Keywords: ecosystem accounting, System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA), ecosystem assets and services, benefits, units of ecosystem accounting, valuations of ecosystem assets and services, ecosystem accounts.