Institute for Sustainable Innovation

Improvement of the Statistical Accounting System for Indicators of Solid Municipal Waste

Fomenko G., Fomenko M., Arabova E., Ladygina O.
Published: Ecology of Urbanized Territories. (2016). №1, 43-49.

This paper considers aspects of development of the statistical accounting system of solid municipal waste (SMW) indicators in the Russian Federation. The standard-setting legislative framework for measuring of SMW amount was analyzed. The paper describes practices in MSW generation and accounting from European Union countries, VEKTSA and USA. It is suggested regulatory support for statistical observation in the field of MSW and recommendations for the unification of solid municipal wastes generation accounting systems and management measures in an accordance with the international requirements. The article describes methodological approaches for the organization of statistical observation over MSW and its utilization, including list of MSW and system of indicators. The proposed system of indicators allows making the comparative analysis of data on generation and utilization amounts with other countries. Definition and recommendations for using of conversion factors from cubic meters to tons were presented.

Keywords: municipal solid wastes, system of statistical indicators, utilization, OECD/Eurostat international recommendations.