Institute for Sustainable Innovation

Prevention of Conflicts in Environmental Management

There is growing awareness around the world that environmental degradation, unequal access to vital resources, competition for the extraction and control over the distribution of reserves destabilize agriculture, local economies and public health to varying degrees. It leads to dramatic declines in living standards and threatens social and political stability. All this causes conflicts and reduces the resilience of regions in the face of crises.

Nowadays local governments are dealing with the task of organizing the sustainable use of natural resources while ensuring equal consumption opportunities for various social groups of the population. Failure to address environmental management issues can exacerbate local conflicts, as well as enable political actors to gain support and cause violence.

We have considerable experience in conflict resolution in environmental management. We carry out projects aimed at preventing conflicts between the city and the adjacent territory, as well as identifying and preventing crises of resource use taking into account the rights of various social groups. We contribute to development and implementation of effective management measures aimed at mitigating negative social and economic consequences of environmental degradation or lack of resources.

Our solutions help to avoid conflicts in environmental management at the local and regional levels and to make effective management decisions.